People are just the weirdest creature created. They come to work. But most often than not, they are just there physically. Most often than not, they are always elsewhere mentally and emotionally. I guess the same goes for me as well, but at different spaces of time. I think there should be on and off buttons somewhere in the system.
Here are some people who are sitting nearby talking about football. Liverpool, Manchester United, and whatever else there is in the British football league. I’m not against football. But it’s just that to discuss this topic at great lengths during work hours are indeed something that’s unnecessary not to mention totally unimportant. Here I have some colleagues who are emotionally entangled with their football teams during this football season. It’s like a life and death situation. The emotions they go through when their team gets defeated and the elation they feel when their team wins. And this doesn’t just stop there. There will be threats and tantrums from the winning and losing teams. And don’t forget the sulking session. But even more amusing is the fact that some working professionals are seriously considering placing this whole favorite football club into their KRA/KPI and are also pondering of including this topic in interview sessions. So, if you don’t know your interviewer’s favorite football team, then don’t bother attending the interview.
Gimme a break! We’re talking about a game that’s been played thousands of miles away. What’s even more preposterous is that these guys and some girls here even make suggestions like which players can be transferred out or who can be kicked off from the team and the list goes on. So, what’s wrong here? I mean we’re talking about a team of players who do not even know the existence of the people who are commenting on them and couldn’t care less about their opinions. Talk about diehard fans!
But I keep a distance from entangling myself with these diehard football fans. Let's just say that they never listen, nor do they want to accept any logical explanation about being diehard fans. The most I did as a fan in my teenage years was collect posters and hung them in my wardrobe. Pretty lame, you say?
I'm a football fan as well but not as DIE HARD FAN like the one you mean here. hehe. I'm professional!